Monday 18 February 2019

Be different for the success of your brand

As a business we need to keep track of all our competitors, it’s really important to know how your competitors market their product and/or services, whether their online marketing strategy is a success or not, how are they able to grab the attention of the target audience and others. But to make sure your marketing is successful do not copy your competitors, because what works for your competitors may not work for your brand.

There is no hidden formula for achieving success. Standing out among your competitors is the best way to be successful.

Identify your goals

It’s crucial to understand that your business goals and your competitors’ goals are different, in spite of being part of the same industry and having the same potential customers. The fact is that every business has different goals so you need to focus more on your strengths. Digital Marketing Company – Traj Infotech Pvt. Ltd, can create a good marketing strategy based on your business goals and strengths.

What is different about your brand?

You and your competitors may either have the same or an extremely similar target audience. So, in case your websites are besides each other, what will make your brand prominent? If two companies have the same things, then the target customer will go with the brand name, something you may not like or prefer. Traj Infotech, Digital Marketing Services in Ahmedabad will help you to focus and showcase your strengths for a positive impact on your brand.

Show your personality

We live in a world that is all about social media. Today, target customers will go with brands that they want. In this virtual world where you cannot meet the target audience personally, you need to depend more on a website that is well designed, informative, valuable, and appealing. Traj Infotech Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad, can help you with successful marketing strategies that will commune your brand’s qualities.


Never compare your conversion rate with your competitor. Conversion rate does not determine the success rate of a business. Besides, conversion rate, you need to work on optimising your profits and revenue. IT Company can help increase the conversion rate and returns of your business.

Thursday 14 February 2019

A good web design can serve your target audience better

One should always start web designing with a great intention. Irrespective of whatever you really do or what are your business goals, first you need to know who your real target audience is, this is possible only if you’re able to understand your audience well, by doing so you would be able to be creative and deliver some remarkable results.

To make sure the target audience likes your products or /and services. It may sound easy to do so, but, speaking of reality, it can be difficult, costly and painful when you have put your products and/or services in front of the audience. Best way to avoid confusion; write down the exact details, how the people can benefit from your products and services. Once you’re successful in pinpointing things, start by putting all your marketing efforts into it.

While designing your website, you should know what makes your audience react. Digital Marketing Company – Traj Infotech Pvt. Ltd, will emphasise on the vital selling points that will ensure there is a positive impact on your target audience. You must remember all the essentials of web design, the utmost essential is visuals.

Traj Infotech, Digital Marketing Services in Ahmedabad , can make sure the audience is impressed with your website, by creating some great content and visuals.

Whether a video, headline or picture, whatever the visual, it must be attractive. Traj Infotech, Best SEO Company in Ahmedabad, can ensure the visual is able to convey all the important points in an easy manner.

Keeping the layout of your website in mind, make sure your site has a clean look, easy to follow and visually tempting, along with this you must highlight the visual assets to communicate directly with your target audience.

Your main aim while designing a website is to get the audience to move freely and explore all features of the site. IT Company can relate with the users and put themselves in their position and create exactly what the audience is looking for or want.

Besides, good visual conveying your message is also important. The content should be about why your products and/or services are amazing.

Monday 11 February 2019

Vital to understand the progress of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing also referred to as inbound marketing or online marketing.

Digital marketing is different compare to traditional marketing because it is a better way to grab the attention of your target audience towards your products or /and services. Companies should start investing more in digital marketing, if they want to see growth in their business.

Let’s look at how Digital Marketing can be valuable.

Huge Concept

Digital Marketing has several platforms that have the power to grab the attention of your target audience, from email marketing to social media marketing to content marketing, every method is structured in a way that can bring you more business. Digital Marketing Company – Traj Infotech Pvt. Ltd, can help to attract potential customers.

Cost Effective

Whether it’s a small business or a big business or a start up or an established business, digital marketing is meant for all. It can help each and every business. What you plan to spend depends on the budget you have. Traj Infotech, Digital Marketing Services in Ahmedabad, can create a digital marketing strategy according to your budget for better results.

Able to reach wide target audience

Digital marketing helps in creating a personal relationship between you and your customers. It provides target results that can help your business perform well

Digital Marketing has the advantage of choosing your own set of audience, who are interested in your products or/and services.

Traj Infotech,Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad, can help in creating a marketing strategy according to likes, dislikes and interests of your target audience.                                                         

Easy to understand

Digital marketing is huge, but is easy to understand by all. For better results, you and you’re team should understand the concept of digital marketing. To learn digital marketing properly, you just need to find the correct source of information. IT Company can help you understand digital marketing better.

Much better compare to traditional marketing

Though tradition marketing has advantages, digital marketing is doing much better because it provides good results compare to traditional marketing in various aspects. Like, it is economical, boosts revenue or income, understands customer behaviour, interacts with potential customers directly and can reach out to a wide target audience.

Digital Marketing Company in Ahmedabad - Traj Infotech

Monday 4 February 2019

Digital Marketing trends for the year 2019

The beginning of New Year is when most companies start planning their budget, marketing and business goals. Here is the list of the biggest digital marketing trends for the year 2019 that can help you with your marketing strategy.

Don’t just talk

Each year we’re witnessing a huge growth in smart phone usage. People prefer mobile phones to desktop.Digital Marketing Company – Traj Infotech Pvt. Ltd, will ensure your website is mobile friendly, provide good user experience and better ranking during searches.


The 2019 digital marketing strategy should consist of traditional and live videos; every business should work towards it because videos are capable of attracting immense web traffic. You can think of Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram as platforms for your videos.

Continue sending

Among all digital marketing channels, it is email marketing that is at its peak. The content for email marketing should be customised, precise and short. Give it a personal touch, divide the lists, be less formal and communication with resolution and understanding. Traj Infotech, Digital Marketing Services in Ahmedabad, can create a great custom made email content that can help in building a good relationship with your target customers.

Social Media

Now a days, people spend too much of their time on social media. Most companies have social media presence. But it is very crucial to be strategic in social media campaigns or else you will be lost in the crowd. Traj Infotech Digital Marketing in Ahmedabad, can help promote your business better through social media.

All to do with keywords

An upcoming trend that can prove to be an absolute game changer for digital marketing and Search Engine Optimisation is keyword clustering, it creates the whole theme and sub themes and also provides a strong link system to ensure your sub theme is linked back to the whole theme or the main topic, making your content searchable.

A great story

When it comes to storytelling, you need to explain your message, identify problems, be helpful to your customers and act as guide when it comes to fixing problems. TrajInfotech, Best SEO Company in Ahmedabad, can create an interesting story for your company.

Digital  Marketing Company in Ahmedabad - Traj Infotech

Content Marketing is useful in building trust with your target audience.

Creating a story about your brand and trying to connect with your target audience, cannot be considered as the only content marketing goal...